Stop rushing. Start reading.

Pour yourself a steaming mug of coffee and settle in with these featured posts from the blog.

Love Letter: How To Find “The One” (3/16/22)

Ok, that subject line is a little bit of a bait and switch… I’m here to tell you that the search for “the one” is a trap. Please stop this rhetoric. If you’ve listened to The New Truth podcast for some time, then you know how I feel about this bs we’ve all been fed…

Love Letter: The Secret to Thriving Partnerships (3/9/22)

Happy Wednesday! Today’s message is incredibly important to me as the practice of asking for and receiving help is one of the things that has changed my life tremendously. I feel so honored to walk beside and guide women and couples who have the courage to ask and receive so they can have relationships that…

Love Letter: A Partner that Honors Your Heart  (3/2/22)

Can you believe it’s March already?! It feels like this year is flying, and I hope you are doing well and caring for your heart these days. Love is experienced through our hearts, and so many people spend their lives keeping their hearts closed without even realizing it. Our hearts are closed when we avoid…

Love Letter: The 4 Stages of Relationship  (2/23/22)

There is a big difference between just wanting dating advice and wanting transformation. I believe relationships offer us the opportunity for transformation when we say yes to growing, evolving, and learning from each one. Your midweek mantra is, “I say YES to all that I learn through my relationships and take in the lessons each…

Love Letter: What Fairytales Got Wrong  (2/16/22)

What a week, and it’s only Wednesday! Happy Post-Valentine’s Day (and all the feelings that go along with it), and on top of that, on Monday, I shared that my husband and I are expecting a baby girl joining our family this summer! Thank you for all of your sweet comments and messages – we…

Love Letter: I’m Calling Bs On This Dating Advice  (2/9/22)

So much of what we are doing is breaking free from outdated stories around love and relationship and busting myths on the worst dating advice out there. The dating advice that has you spinning to become “more” desirable / irresistible / attractive / alluring and thinking it’s your job to “capture” his attention or “make…

Love Letter: You Don’t Have to Earn Love  (2/2/22)

February is here! The month of Love. Regardless of your feelings about Valentine’s Day (stay tuned for a great podcast episode next week about this!), I hope you remember the infinite well of Love that lives within your own heart. I also hope you remember that Love exists for you whether or not you have…

Love Letter: Your Perfect Match (1/26/22)

Have you ever thought about what it takes to choose the best partner for you? Your midweek mantra is, “The best FOR me brings out the best IN me.” ✨ We don’t always realize we are doing this until we stop and take a look, but I’m wondering if you ARE looking for someone EXACTLY…

Love Letter: Love Letter: The #1 Relationship Destroyer (1/19/22)

Today’s Love Letter is all about the #1 destroyer of relationships… insecurity. It’s an issue I see many women struggle with, but it’s also an easy thing to course correct once you identify it. Your midweek mantra is, “I am safe and secure within myself.” When we are insecure, we hide who we are.  We…

Love Letter: Put Yourself First (1/12/22)

I hope your week is going well! This week’s Love Letter is for all of the women who keep putting everyone else first rather than themselves. This is for all of the women who feel like they are being “selfish” when they care for their well-being first and all of the women who can’t seem…