The New Truth Podcast Top 10 Episodes in 2023 (12/27/23)

The New Truth celebrated 200 episodes this year and over 200,000 downloads! Kate and I started our journey together in January 2020, and I am so, so grateful for the growth the podcast has achieved since then.
I am so grateful to all of you who listen, all of you who may have found me through the podcast, and all of you who have chosen to break free from the old paradigm of love in your own life as a result of the podcast.
If you’ve been listening, you know that Kate and I are beginning Season 2 of the podcast in January. We are expanding beyond just dating/relationship content and making room for more ways the fairytale disempowers women in every area of their lives.
Personally, I am making room to share more about my passion for conscious parenting, co-parenting practices, and my journey into motherhood. The fairytale ABSOLUTELY impacts Mother culture!
I am closing out 2023 really anchoring into the power of self COMPASSION. The world of personal development can make it very hard to give that to ourselves. When we are always focused on “being better” and “becoming more,” we forget that struggle is part of life, pain is a part of life, loss is a part of life, and that our feelings are gifts.
I have experienced a lot of grief this year, and being with my grief brought me into even deeper love and understanding of what it means to be human.
Kate and I love hearing from you, and we hope you know you can always reach out about topics you wish for us to cover to give us feedback about what you love on the podcast and how it’s changing you. You can reach out to us through our DMs and Facebook group, The New Truth Movement.
My wish for you in 2024 is wholeness; that is where my work is headed. Working with women who ache to know every aspect of themselves, who wish to embrace their humanity and their divinity, and to heal their fear, childhood pain, and self-doubt – and emerge into the woman they always dreamed of being.
And with that, here are the top 10 most downloaded episodes of 2023:
Ep 164: How to Transform Not Feeling Good Enough (listen here)
Ep 173: How to Become Securely Attached to Have Healthy Relationships with Samantha Burns (listen here)
Ep 158: Raise Your Standards in 2023 (listen here)
Ep 160: Transform Your Triggers When Dating (listen here)
Ep 162: Starting Over After a Painful Breakup or Divorce (listen here)
Ep 157: How to Attract Love through Peace & Pleasure – Not Pressure with Amanda Ranae (listen here)
Ep 159: How To Get Him To Show Up For You (listen here)
Ep 168: The Truth About Wanting to Be Chosen (listen here)
Ep 172: How to Get the Love You Want (listen here)
Ep 170: How to Stop Obsessing Over Your Ex (listen here)
Each of these episodes contains deep personal and relational wisdom for you to bring into your life. If you’ve been following along with The New Truth podcast this year, I would LOVE to hear your favorites from 2023. Hit reply to let me know
Happy listening, friends! Thank you for being with me on this journey. Blessings for your holiday season, and Happy New Year.
I love you,

P.S. Be sure to ‘subscribe’ to The New Truth on your favorite podcast listening platform, and stay tuned for many more epic New Truth episodes next year!